
A Look At Other Shows That You Should Watch

"Being Human", the American version of the series. Excellent, fast paced, sometimes too jam-packed show about a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost that share a house. Sounds simple but this show goes from humor to horror to drama within scenes. Well acted, with a mythology that doesn't complicate things too much. Highly recommended.
"Southland", is a low rated series on TNT that was picked up after flailing on NBC. Good for viewers like me that enjoy crime dramas that don't follow the mystery formula of many crime dramas of this era. This gripping drama follows a day in the work lives of several cops and detectives. Anchored by strong actors who seem like the parts they play and the Los Angeles filming which gives it a grittiness that I haven't seen much of since "The Shield". Recommended.
"Being Human", the U.K. version. It's in it's fourth season and at this point is not easy to get into. It has the same premise of the U.S. version but runs for only six episodes a season. It's reinventing itself with new characters but is still feeling fresh. It's the original and is still a fun and psychologically interesting series with strong villains and menaces. Recommended.
"American Horror Story" is the one that is the most polarizing and I can definitely see a lot of people disagreeing with me here. That first season was a throw everything you can into it and extend the boundaty lines of basic cable. See how much they can get away with. Half of the plots may not have worked but the other half did very well. Not neccesarily scary but at times creepy and chilling. The acting was strong enough and the effects were well done. If anything, they went overboard with a few things. But that's what this series is. A show to go crazy with. Very bloody and lots of nudity for a basic cable show. Recommended but not for everyone.
"Alphas" on SyFy is not showing right now, but it had a strong first season. Alphas is the term for humans with super powers. They get together to solve crimes committed by other alphas. This series is way different from say, "Heroes". Where "Heroes" began with a strong first season and then subsequent seasons went downhill, this started out with three or four mediocre episodes but that showed enough promise to stick around. Then all of a sudden, it hit it's stride. Every episode became near excellent and still finding a way to work together made it always entertaining and rarely ever earnest in excess. Recommended. There are several others that would be up in this list but are not shows that may be under the radar. I chose five that I felt should receive more attention.

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