
Should he have snooped through her things?

   I work at a place that shall remain nameless here, but that some of my closest friends that read this may know. I will keep it nameless because of course I want to be able to keep a job! That being said...

   On occasion a bag belonging to someone is forgotten and afterwards we find it. Mostly handbags. Or small luggage. In the past there had been an employee that had been stealing, er, stole for the first time and was caught on said first time. That person was caught in a similar way. That person forgot their handbag and once it was checked for identification and who it belonged to, security saw some items that had no business being there and belonged to the place that person worked for. That became a "Here is your bag and you're fired" deal.

   Now as I found this handbag this time, I was not about to sift through it looking for identification or anything. Knowing the person that forgot the bag, I tried solving the situation by sending it back to it's proper owner before that person was gone for the day. My manager was standing a few feet away when I found it and stopped me so he could take a look at it. Not waiting for any security he then proceeded to look through that persons' things. I mean, makeup being moved around, ladies' personal items and even lunch/dinner. Containers opened, other parts unzipped. At this point I'm feeling uncomfortable because I can tell the manager was searching for something incriminating. But everything checked out well.

   The thing is, I felt uncomfortable about the whole deal. I felt that the manager should not have searched through the handbag. Maybe I'm wrong about feeling this way? 




  1. No, the bag shouldn't have been searched. Going through someone's personal property like that shouldn't be allowed. SMDH.

  2. What's worse, your manager made you an unofficial accomplice by doing it in front of you. Not cool.
