I will not use the word "bitch" to insult the woman I'm going to rant about on here. I'll just call her what i would if it were a dude. An asshole.
So I'm on the right side of the street parked by the curb by the entrance to a parking lot on the right side of me. This asshole approaches the left side of me and slows down. Then pauses and a car is right behind her. I didn't think much about it as I'm just waiting for her to pass, the car behind her AND this kid on a bike that is coming down the bike lane and I can see in my drivers' side mirror.
This asshole just stopped. Then she starts inching forward and turns ahead of me so she can get into the parking entrance. Then she completely stops! Like almost five seconds. Just stays in the way and the kid on the bike hits her passenger side bumper, flips over and falls onto the other side of the car!
Now this is when I would say this kid (teenager) was going so fast on his bike that he couldn't stop in time. But no. She had just stalled right in front of the parking entrance and could have just allowed the kid to ride right through. In fact, that's what I thought she was doing by stopping beforehand in the first place.
I get out of my car, the people in the car behind her get out and we're praying that this kid didn't split his head open. Fortunately he landed and could catch himself from injuring himself more than some bruised ribs and scrapes and cuts. We call an ambulance just in case. But this asshole, she just proceeds to ask if he is all right and then drive her car into the parking lot and saying that she will be right back. Wtf?
It's a closed off parking, so I knew she wasn't trying to run away. And what for? It was just an accident, even if her pausing, stopping and just bad driving caused the accident. The guy in the vehicle behind her tells me he was just about to honk the horn at her and his wife said he was just screaming obscenities at her by then.
So we get a chair for him, call the paramedics (firefighters) and this asshole comes back out with her boyfriend and asks the kid if he's all right. Then offers him water which then turns into her offering him a damned beer. A beer! Asshole goes up to her apartment and brings two beers to the kid. In front of her, I tell him "don't take the beers or when the cops arrive they're going to say you were having the beers on your way home and that's why it happened.". He sticks them in his backpack. Asshole gets pissed.
She starts getting loud about how he is okay and everyone is accusing her. At this point the other driver and his wife tell her to just get her "fucking" insurance card ready for when the cops arrive. She goes back up to her apartment. Again.
Now the part that REALLY pissed me off is that she has a few neighbors from her apartment building just outside and asshole starts trying to play up to them almost yelling "I don't know what the fuck these people (myself and the couple from the car and one more witness) are still doing here! They got nothing to do with this! Fuck!"
By now I want to slap some sense into asshole as the kid is checked by paramedics and it's determined he was quite fortunate to have avoided serious injuries.
Of course asshole tries to tell the cop arriving later that my car was pulled in front of the entrance in a way that she had to make a wide turn to avoid me and that's why she had stopped. Only thing that stopped me from at that point from calling her a fucking liar was that the other driver stood up for me and told everything he saw.
Rant over.
Assholes, I swear...